Monday, April 18, 2011

How did that happen?

Ok. As embarrassing as it is, I'll 'fess up. Our taxes aren't done.


I have started probably half a dozen times. We are now missing only one document but I have to wait for my husband to call the place and have them email it. He has been so swamped at work. Most of his lunch breaks don't happen unless he is going out to eat for work. A big part of me wants to be frustrated at him for putting this call off until the last minute but I know how stressed he has been. Not to mention the extra stress I caused last week when I got so sick I couldn't function for a few days. *shudder* That was awful for everyone.

So now, it's tax day itself and I'm hoping against hope that there aren't any more issues. I REALLY don't want to file for an extension. I pretty much consider it not an option.

Wish me luck and pray that my procrastination and my husband's doesn't prevent us from getting our taxes filed in time!

Monday, April 4, 2011

10 Minutes. And a little more to finish it up!

Thank you to Angie of Seriously a Homemaker for the suggestion and motivation to do this! My husband unexpectedly came home for a late lunch today and he was impressed. :)

After a weekend of us all being home most of the time and me not wanting to clean so I could spend time with hubby and the kiddos my kitchen was REALLY suffering! I'm pretty embarrassed to even post the before pictures, but here goes!

One big (little) mess.

Exactly 10 minutes to kick its butt.

I have to admit, I cheated a little. I got most of it done in the ten minutes, but I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher afterward. I also had to managed J while I was cleaning so I figured that made it ok to cheat. He kept wanting down, then up, then down so that definitely added to the total amount of work needing to be done.

Pictures to prove it.

Walk away feeling like a rock star!

I have to show you what happened while I was focusing on the counters...
